How do we support?
Transforming Support offers a personalised service to individuals who require support living, enabling them to live as independently as possible in their own homes. Some may not have the capacity to make decisions for themselves. We are committed to enabling every individual we support to live as a valued community member using community services available to everyone. The individuals who use the service are adults who require guidance and support and may require support with personal care to lead fulfilling lives and make the choices important to them. They may have a learning disability or autism. They may also have one or more of the following needs: physical, sensory, mental health, communication, mobility or behaviours that may be perceived to be challenging for themselves and others.
Our support model combines active support with positive behaviour approaches and structured engagement with professionals from the local community. With a focus on the individual, our highly trained support staff will regularly review outcomes with the individual, behaviour support and multi-disciplinary professionals. Understanding what is important to each client underpins our path to achieving realistic outcomes, building on strength-based practice and skills development, with support from commissioning partners, external professionals, advocates, other support workers, friends, and family.

The key details
- Our focus is on supporting individuals to develop and maintain independence in the community.
- All our support packages are tailored to the needs of the individual.
- We work with OTs to ensure the property is fully adapted for an individual to ensure the best success in their new community placement.
- We use Positive behavioural support, including PROACT-SCIPr-UK® or MAPA® trained staff, depending on individual needs.
- Occupational Therapist input helps identify any adaptions early to fully support the individual's well-being to maximise the client's success in their new home.
- Staff is fully trained to support a range of individuals and specific training in Autism, Epilepsy, Mental Health, PEG, et al. Our Positive Behavioural Support includes PROACT-SCIPr-UK® or MAPA®.